M Usman Maqbool Bhutta and Liang Qing are invited to introduce Lisee Technology at IET-YPEC 2018.
Usman and Qing at IET-YPEC 2018
Thanks to the team work, we successfully participated and contributed to the “Robotics Day” of HKUST. Over 20+ media including TVB, China Daily, Xinhua Net, Sina, Yahoo, covered our work within the first 12 hours!!
Sample reports:
香港01 – 科大博士生研發首架港產無人車 專家認香港技術發展相對較遲
The Standard – Driverless cart motors on after hiccup
Hong Kong’s first driverless car to be tested on mainland - Today Online
ecns.cn – HKUST develops Hong Kong’s first unmanned car
Today Online - Hong Kong’s first driverless car to be tested on mainland due to city’s strict rules
HKUST President Prof. Tony Chan at HKUST RI Robotics Day
Ming presented “How Robot Learns” for IEEE Transmitter as representative of China area.