The HKUST-Kaisa Autonomous RC Car Racing Competition


As the first of its kind in the university, many are delighted to witness the rise of some new artificial intelligent (AI) talents in the HKUST-Kaisa Autonomous RC Car Racing Competition held in 1 April 2021. The competition was sponsored by Kaisa Group and co-organized by School of Engineering, Robotics Institute, Intelligent Autonomous Driving Center, HKUST-Kaisa Joint Institute and Entrepreneurship Center.

Demos & Workshops




Get Started With the Competition Setup

   Tutorials & Codes

   Rules & Regulations

Media Coverage:

Academic Report

Peide Cai, Hengli Wang, Huaiyang Huang, Yuxuan LIU, Ming Liu, “Vision-Based Autonomous Car Racing Using Deep Imitative Reinforcement Learning,” IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L), 2021 (Early Access). page pdf video video bibtex