Our mission and dedication are to create intelligent systems that can autonomously operate in a complex and diverse environment, with multiple perception approaches. We are fascinated by novel robot concepts that are best adapted for acting with large-scale and dynamic environments and different terrains. We are furthermore keen to give them the intelligence to autonomously navigate in challenging environments. This includes novel methods and tools for human-robot interaction, perception, cognition, knowledge abstraction, mapping, learning, representation, planning, and execution.

To further explore our visions and achievements, please refer to our autonomous driving products at: unity-drive.com.



31 Jul 2019 |

Congratulation to Ting Sun

Congratulations to Ting Sun, who successfully defended her PhD thesis and met the requirements for the award!

Congratulation to Ting Sun

20 Jul 2019 |

Congratulation to Lei Tai

Congratulations to Lei Tai, who successfully defended his PhD thesis and met the requirements for the award!

Congratulation to Lei Tai

15 Jul 2019 |

Our 3D road reconstruction system work reported internationally

Our recently published 3D road reconstruction system has been reported by over ten international media agencies, such as VentureBeat, Diamandis, Drobots Company, UAS Vision, Import AI, Impact Lab, US Breaking News, PCNewsBuzz and Engineering 360. The paper is available at CVPR 2019 open access website.

Our 3D road reconstruction system work reported internationally

11 Jul 2019 |

Annual Meet-up in Shenzhen

第二届世界机器人发展青年论坛 :)

Annual Meet-up in Shenzhen

03 Oct 2018 |

Our paper got the Best Student Paper Finalist Award at IROS 2018

Ming and Qing Liang participated IROS 2018 in Madrid, Spain. Our paper got the Best Student Paper Finalist Award.

Our paper got the Best Student Paper Finalist Award at IROS 2018

03 Oct 2018 |

Ming received 2018 IROS Toshio Fukuda Young Professional Award

Ming received 2018 IROS Toshio Fukuda Young Professional Award. He is being recognized: “For outstanding contributions to mobile robot path planning and control.” This award recognizes individuals (from academic institutions, government, industry, or research labs) who, in their early career, have made identifiable contributions that have had a major impact on intelligent robots and systems.

Ming received 2018 IROS Toshio Fukuda Young Professional Award

20 Aug 2018 |

Ming contributed a column article

Ming contributed a column article “Real paradox as self-driving age nears” for the HK Standard.

18 Aug 2018 |

Ming interviewed by IEEE Transmitter

Ming presented “ How Robots Are Improving the Lives of People with Disabilities” for IEEE Transmitter.

15 Aug 2018 |

Welcome New Ph.D Students to RAM-LAB

Welcome new Ph.D. students Peide Cai, Huaiyang Huang, Yang Liu, Hengli Wang, Sukai Wang and Xiaodong Mei joinning on Aug, 2018.

14 Aug 2018 |

Ming is on the review committee board of IMST

Ming is on the review committee board of Israeli Ministry of Science and Technology.

12 Aug 2018 |

Ming attended APAS Annual Showcase as keynote Speaker

Ming presented Keynote talk and joined discussion at the APAS Annual Showcase.

Ming attended APAS Annual Showcase as keynote Speaker

18 Jul 2018 |

Our paper got Finalist of Best Paper Award at IEEE CYBER 2018

Ming and Muhammad Usman Maqbool participated CYBER 2018 in Tianjin. Our paper got the Finalist of Best Paper Award.

Our paper got Finalist of Best Paper Award at IEEE CYBER 2018

06 Jul 2018 |

Introducted Lisee Technology at IET-YPEC 2018

M Usman Maqbool Bhutta and Liang Qing are invited to introduce Lisee Technology at IET-YPEC 2018.

Introducted Lisee Technology at IET-YPEC 2018

05 Jul 2018 |

Our paper is selected as one of the top read articles
Our paper Autonomous exploration of mobile robots through deep neural networks was selected as one of top read articles from International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems.

03 Jul 2018 |

Welcome Rui Fan to RAM-LAB
Welcome new lab member Rui Fan joining on 3rd July, 2018.

19 Jun 2018 |

Ming participated as Session Chair at CCF-GAIR 2018

Prof. Ming Liu attended and served 2018 CCF-GAIR as Session Chair in the Computer Vision section.

Ming participated as Session Chair at CCF-GAIR 2018

11 Jun 2018 |

Ming Participated at GIV 2018

Prof. Ming Liu participated GIV 2018 and gave a keynote talk.

Ming Participated at GIV 2018

05 May 2018 |

Usman Won Audience Award

Bhutta, Muhammad Usman Maqbool won Audience Award in Campus Challenge @ HKUST - Transportation

Usman Won Audience Award

17 Apr 2018 |

French deligates visited us.
Group of French visitors, including the Consul General Mr. Eric BERTTI, visited us.
French deligates visited us.

16 Apr 2018 |

The Minister of Education of China visited us

The Minister of Education of China visited us