Thanks to the team work, we successfully participated and contributed to the “Robotics Day” of HKUST. Over 20+ media including TVB, China Daily, Xinhua Net, Sina, Yahoo, covered our work within the first 12 hours!!
Sample reports:
[無綫新聞 – 科大研究團隊耗近十年 製造全港首輛無人車](
香港01 – 科大博士生研發首架港產無人車 專家認香港技術發展相對較遲
The Standard – Driverless cart motors on after hiccup
Hong Kong’s first driverless car to be tested on mainland - Today Online
[明報 – 首部港產無人車避障礙行斜坡](
[都市日報 - 科大首研發港產無人車](
) – HKUST develops Hong Kong’s first unmanned car
Today Online - Hong Kong’s first driverless car to be tested on mainland due to city’s strict rules